Clinical Services Manager
Oshkosh, WI
Stephanie Nourollah MSN, FNP-BC ACHPN is a clinical services manager for Optum Senior Community Care in the northern Wisconsin market. She leads a team of 13 advanced practice clinicians in over 30 long term care facilities. In addition to her management role, she also serves as a Subject Matter Expert for advanced care planning/serious illness conversations for the WI, MN,and IA Optum teams. She is a certified Respecting Choices facilitator for First Steps, Next Steps, and Advanced Steps for advanced care planning. She has a deep passion for advanced care planning and aspires to drive a cultural shift for earlier conversations and planning for death.
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(SU22) Speed Dating in the Storm-Establishing Trust Quickly for Difficult Conversations
Sunday, March 10, 2024
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM CT