Marketing consultant
Reisterstown, MD
Marian Grant is a policy consultant for the Coalition to Transform Advanced Care (C-TAC) , the Center to Advance Palliative Care (CAPC), and the National Patient Advocacy Foundation, and a marketing consultant for the University of Washington’s MessageLab Serious Illness Messaging project, and VitalTalk. Dr. Grant maintains a clinical practice as a palliative care nurse practitioner at the University of Maryland Medical Center. She is adjunct faculty at the University of Maryland and Johns Hopkins Schools of Nursing. In 2014, Dr. Grant was selected as a Robert Wood Johnson Health Policy Fellow working on Capitol Hill and at the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation. Dr. Grant has served on the board of the Carolinas Center and the Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association and speaks nationally and internationally on palliative care, messaging, and health policy. Before becoming a nurse, Dr. Grant had a career in marketing at the Procter & Gamble Company and worked on the Max Factor and Cover Girl cosmetics brands there. She is the daughter of immigrants and refugees.
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(MO05) Improving Public Education with the Serious Illness Messaging Toolkit
Monday, March 11, 2024
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM CT