Chief Medical Officer
FutureCare Health and Management
Baltimore, Maryland
Dr. Fatima Sheikh is chief medical officer of FutureCare Health and Management. She is also medical director of multiple skilled nursing/long-term care facilities in Baltimore Washington Area. She was trained at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Geriatrics and currently holds a part-time faculty position as assistant professor within Division of Geriatric and Gerontology at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. She is also a clinician, educator, and researcher. Dr. Sheikh is a recipient of American Geriatric Society Clinician of the Year award 2017, for her clinical work, mentorship of her inter-professional team and learners from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, and efforts to improve care transitions for older adults.
She has led many quality improvement projects in her facilities to improve quality of care at her facilities including but not limited to; discharge navigator program to improve care transitions from nursing facilities to home, enhancing communication between providers and nurses to improve quality of care to the patients, assessment of obesity in long-term care setting and its association with increased healthcare utilization, addressing re-hospitalizations and to identify gaps in care transitions, and to reduce the burden of polypharmacy in LTC. Due to Dr. Sheikh’s unique position as a leader of her facilities and as an educator, she hopes to influence the current and future thinking of her learners, to help change their practices to create a better healthcare model for our geriatric population.
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(SA22) Reclaiming Our Joy: Medicine as a Life, Not a Job
Saturday, March 9, 2024
4:30 PM – 5:30 PM CT