Assistant Clinical Professor
Yale New Haven
New Haven, CT
Dr. Ann Datunashvili is practicing Geriatrician at the Yale New Haven Health System. She sees patients
and precepts Geriatric fellows and Medical Residents and nursing students in almost every clinical
setting except inpatient Geriatric (ACE) unit and Consultation services. She has been a Certified Medical
Director in the Whitney Center Health Center in Hamden, Connecticut, which is a part of the Life Care
Community. She also runs a Primary Care practice that provides services for patients in the same
community and thus has a unique view of what a Wrap-Around Care can offer to geriatric patients. She
is interested in transitions of care and the ways to minimize health risks associated with such transitions,
particularly for vulnerable older adults with cognitive deficits. She is a member of the Diversion, Equity
and Inclusion Committee with AMDA, focusing on areas of addressing diverse biases in training and
when working with the immigrant care force.
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(SU26) Journey of DEI and Powerful Story Telling
Sunday, March 10, 2024
4:15 PM – 5:15 PM CT