Saturday's General Session will begin with an AMDA Awards presentation, followed by Keynote Speaker: Teepa Snow, Dementia Care Specialist.
Improving care and support for those living with dementia can be an incredibly challenging endeavor, with common obstacles of rapid staff turnover, lack of staff, minimal funding for training, changes in organizational leadership, and many more. Family members often have exceedingly high expectations for care delivery, but the complexities of dementia and lack of experienced staff often result in an inability to meet these expectations. This session will provide practical strategies for building staff awareness and skills to manage various challenging care situations and promote positive interactions. It will also discuss simple yet effective ways that training can be implemented to improve team efficacy and organizational care delivery.
Learning Objectives:
At the completion of this session, learners will be able to:
Discuss challenging situations often encountered in dementia care and common barriers to improving
Describe several strategies for implementing staff training to increase dementia awareness and
interaction skills.
List several nonverbal and verbal techniques that can be used to promote positive interactions in
dementia care.