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Education Program Details

Target Audience

The Society supports the entire interdisciplinary team and provides educational activities to be of value to the following post-acute and long-term care (PALTC) professionals:

However, the educational content is applicable to other members of the interdisciplinary team, including administrators, DONs, nurses, social workers, etc.

Overall Goal

The overall goal of this program is to enhance participants’ knowledge and competencies by providing the latest developments and tools available to improve the delivery of quality care in PALTC medicine.

Learning Objectives

Upon conclusion of participating in this educational activity, attendees should be able to:

Learner Assurance Statement and the Society Policy on Disclosure and Resolution of Conflict of Interest

It is the Society’s policy that all those in a position to directly control CME content, such as, planning committees, faculty, and authors, disclose any relationships with commercial entities upon nomination or invitation for participation. Disclosure documents are reviewed in advance for potential conflicts of interest. If conflicts are identified, they are resolved prior to confirmation of participation to ensure participation and/or presentation is non-biased/ promotional, evidence-based and scientifically sound. Only those participants who had no conflict of interest or who agreed to an identified resolution process prior to their participation are involved in this CME activity.

Disclosures of Relevant Financial Relationships

All relationships disclosed by those in control of content have been noted in conference materials. Financial relationships with Ineligible Companies* relevant to the content of the conference are as follows and have been mitigated:

No one else in control of content has any relevant financial relationships with *"companies whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, re-selling, or distributing healthcare products used by or on patients."